Difficulty: Beginner
Holiday Turkey with Brine

Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 2 hrs, 30 min
- Step 1: Bring 1 gallon of water to a boil, add to a large plastic tub or bucket. Add the Holiday Celebrations Poultry Brine and allow to steep 10 minutes.
- Step 2: Add the ice to bring the volume of the liquid up to 2 gallons. Ensure the mixture is at least 40° before moving to step 3, placing brine in fridge if needed.
- Step 3: Spatchcock the turkey by cutting away backbone with sharp shears or knife. Place the turkey in the brine and allow to rest in the fridge for 1 hour per pound.
- Step 4: Remove the turkey from the brine then rinse under cold running water, dry well with paper towels, and be sure to clean and sanitize the sink afterwards.
- Step 5: Lay the turkey on a large pan and season liberally with the Holiday Celebrations Poultry Rub. Allow the turkey to rest skin-side up in the fridge for a few hours prior to cooking to assist in getting crispy skin.
- Step 6: Preheat recteq to 325°, place turkey skin side up and cook for about 9-11 minutes per pound until the turkey reaches 165° internal temperature in the breast.
- Step 7: Safety Note: *Do not reuse brine, if cooking a smaller turkey, simply prepare less brine.
Serving Sizes
Chef Pairings
Your holiday feast won't be complete without Holiday Bacon & Green Bean Casserole, followed up with fragrant and delicious Carrot Cake.